GHK Consulting
Flexicurity is one of the hottest topics in labour politics. The purpose of this project is to assess the four first years of implementing flexicurity as a concept, taking...
Flexicurity is one of the hottest topics in labour politics. The purpose of this project is to assess the four first years of implementing flexicurity as a concept, taking...
Inclusive education has been defined as a leading principle for education in Estonia, but its implementation has been hampered by attitudes as well as the lack of knowledge and...
There are many local governments but few waste management companies. Many smaller local governments find themselves in a situation where their market power to negotiate contract conditions is not...
The Estonian Center for Applied Research CENTAR advised the Estonian Ministry of Finance on the development of a conceptual framework for local governments’ revenue base.
An important part of European Union policy making is learning from each other. During this project Scotland introduced its experience with Employability Learning Network and our role was to discuss the suitability of this model in the Estonian context.
The study of preschool education and childcare in Estonia maps the use, accessibility and flexibility of nursery and childcare service as well as the needs of parents in this...
The purpose of the research was to evaluate the statistical adjustment of the currently used method for calculating DRG reference price and price limits and to suggest improvements for...
Long reports can make people feel that they do not relate to them while a colleagues description of a real situation has an informative effect. The objective of this...
Could many local Internet access points (IAP) active in Estonian rural areas have potential to serve as distance working centres? The presence of a telework centre could possibly give...
Rail transportation is often problematic in Estonia because the number of inhabitants in settlements is small and unsubsidised rail transport is generally not profitable when measured purely in monetary...