Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Social Affairs
There are nearly 300,000 adults with native languages other than Estonian living in Estonia. Half of them have active knowledge of Estonian, i.e. they understand Estonian and can speak...
There are nearly 300,000 adults with native languages other than Estonian living in Estonia. Half of them have active knowledge of Estonian, i.e. they understand Estonian and can speak...
One of the main priorities of Estonian higher education over the past decade has been internationalisation, which has increased the share of English-taught programmes (ETP) at Estonian universities. At...
In addition to reducing trust in the state, corruption in the environmental field poses a threat to the misuse of Estonia's strategic natural resources - forests, oil shale, etc....
A group of Estonian investors with long-term experience in forest and timber industry is considering the construction of a modern biorefinery in Estonia. The cost of the refinery is...
The HIV epidemic is costly for the state. In addition to ARV treatment, the disease is an economic burden in terms of healthcare and social services. The average cost...
Estonian Lifelong Learning Strategy 2020 (EÕS) is the central education strategy of the country, setting out the key objectives and priorities in this area for the period 2014-2020. The...
Uuringus arutletakse, millistel tingimustel peaks riik kutse- ja üldhariduse vahelisse valikusse aktiivsemalt sekkuma, antakse ülevaade nüüdisaegsest arusaamast, mis käsitleb kutse- ja üldoskuste mõju tööturutulemustele üle elukaare ning arutletakse riigi...
The quality of transport infrastructure between the city centre and its major transport hubs is very important. Tallinn has a plan to extend its tram network to the Tallinn...
Drop-out rates is a topical subject in Estonia and the rest of the world – failing to finish a course makes a drop-out less competitive in the labour market...
The study focused on ICT students’ working during studies, using the secure multiparty computation software Sharemind on registry data.