Client: Ministry of Finance
Period: 2014
The Ministry of Finances entrusted us with delivering the training programme “Strengthening the analytical abilities of policymakers and government analysts.”
In the framework of this training we offered two different training programmes. The first programme was aimed at policymakers who do not carry out analyses daily and covered how to order analyses and how to interprete the results they receive. The second programme was aimed at analysts who carry out analyses themselves and who were assumed to have a prior knowledge of quantitative methods of analysis (interpretation of regression analysis). The main difference with the policymakers’ training programme was that the emphasis was strongly on the practical part of statistical software programme R, which mainly focuses on data visualisation.
Both training programmes consisted of three 6-hour training days, the first of which was delivered at the beginning of summer and the other two were organised between 20th August and 15th October. More than 223 people were trained in total.
The training was funded through the Human Resources Development Operational Programme priority “Enhanced Administrative Capacity” programme “Central Training 2012−2013” and by the Ministry of Finance.