Client: Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications

Period: 2018–2020

The official title of the RITA-migration project is “Migration Dependency and Integration Challenges for Estonia, Employers, Communities and Educational System”. Its larger aim was to provide a framework for tools and interventions to better address the negative effects of Soviet-era immigration and the new social challenges of immigration posed on communities and the education system. The project sought solutions to two main issues:

  • How can the reduction of working age populations be mitigated in the future through migration so that it would be in the interests of both employers and the state?
  • How can the integration of immigrants be as smooth as possible by taking into account both the needs of employers for new workers and the integration capacity of newcomers, the education system and the local community?

CentAR’s task was to develop a cost-benefit model of migration that would allow government analysts to assess the impact of immigration and emigration on government revenues and expenditures.
The project was led by the University of Tartu. In addition to CentAR, the project partners were also think-tank PRAXIS, Tallinn University and Positium LBS.